Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Torta di Mele e Pane

If you have left over bread don't throw it away! This very simple recipe makes a tasty and delicious dessert.

We had lots of apples in our garden! I took the picture above in last summer when the apples were still green and not ready to be picked.
So, what did my nonna do with all these apples? Keep reading...

- 5 Apples cut in slices
- 8 tablespoons of butter
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 3/4 cup of breadcrumbs
- 1/2 spoon of ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon of  ground ginger
- Lemon Zest of one lemon


Set aside one third of the breadcrumbs.

In a bowl, mix the 2/3 breadcrumbs, sugar, cinnamon and lemon zest.

Then add the melted butter and mix everything very well.

Cut the apples cut into very thin slices, add the bread, sugar and butter mixture to the apples and mix well.

Then put the mixture of apples and bread crumbs in a greased baking pan, pressing it well with your hands until it forms a fairly compact layer.

Cover with the breadcrumbs you set aside in the beginning.

Bake in a preheated  oven at 350  for about 40 minutes.

Remove from the oven and let it cool completely

Enjoy with a scoop of vanilla  gelato or panna montata as you like!

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